Sunday, August 3, 2008

Third Day on the third day of August... Kids say the darndest things!

A month a go today, Mark Lee of the Christian rock band Third Day challenged the fans to blog about Third Day on the third of each month... here goes installment #2 from me.

It's been a big week for Third Day and their fans... the release of Revelation and their appearance on Jay Leno's Tonight Show last Tuesday just to mention a couple.

What IMPRESSES and BAFFLES me about the band is the fact that they still seem to have a freshness and undaunting desire and love for what they do. Third Day is on such a roll with the new album, new tour, new webpage, appearances, interviews, etc... it's as if they are young bucks just starting out... Not that they are old timer's but they have been on the rock scene for quite awhile (thank God)! Most bands have reached complete burn out by this point but Third Day presses on with passion... I commend them and thank them for it.

To top all that... Mark and his wife just had a brand new baby... their second child... Congrats to the family!

I can tell the band not only loves what they do... they love their families and KIDS! They even have a section on their webpage just for kids... click HERE...

I have to share my KID story with you... my little version of "kids say the darndest things"...

I am the father of four, three daughters and a son. I shared with you last month about going to a Third Day concert with my two oldest daughters, son-in-law, and wife... HERE.

Our son... (our old baby) will be 18 soon... our older daughters are 25 and 21... then we have Livie, who just turned 7. She was my 40th birthday present... Tami and I call her "Our surprise gift from God that we didn't know we needed but can't live without".

Livie has never been to a concert and was kind of upset when she found out we were taking big sissy's' last time and didn't include her. She's a diehard Third Day fan and was quite excited when Revelation came out so she could hear something NEW from them in dad's car.

I made her day last week when I asked her...

"Since you're seven and a big girl now... would you like to go to a Third Day concert?"...

her excited reply was...

"Yes, Yes, Yes!..."

she then added...

"then can we go see Led Zeppelin?"

Out of the mouths of babes...

We plan to see Third Day on the Music Builds Tour on September 19th in Raleigh, North Carolina. If anyone sees an older man trying to keep up with a high spirited/active seven year old... it's probably me...


Click HERE for Third Day touring dates and locations...


Anonymous said...

What a cute story about your daughter!

SirMax said...

I think we are following each other! I was at the Myrtle Beach show and will be at the Raleigh show also. I'm glad to see that you are raising your children with good taste in music! Come say hey to me...I'll be on the front row (yeah I coughed up pretty a penny for it). I hope you and your daughter have the time of your lives!

Anonymous said...

Nice post and thanks for the comment about mine!