Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas from the Rosages'

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
from our home to yours...
May you find Peace, Hope, and Joy
this Holiday Season...

The Rosages'

"Peace on Earth... Goodwill toward Men"

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dylan is 18 Years Old Today!

News Flash... December 21, 2008... WOO-HOO... Dylan Tanner Rosage is 18 years old today! Celebrate with us as we take you on a pictorial journey spanning 18 years....
Chub in a tub!

Get your motor running....

Staring contest...

Jammin' on stage at the USO!

Another "chub in the tub" shot...

Brand new!

Lyndsey and Whitney getting used to the new addition...

Dylan, Olivia and the Loch Ness Monstor...

Sharp dressed man...

Dad and the Birthday Boy....

Mom and the Birthday Boy...

Super-size that please....

Mom and the brand new baby... less than 24 hours old.

Another incriminating photo...

Dylan's first Christmas... only 4 days old.

Taking a nap with "Bobbie"... Dylan's blanky.

Taking it easy!

Dylan on his 6th Birthday.

Dill Pickle and Mom...

With Dad...

Spaghetti face...

Oh my...

Does this mean the Birthday Boy is full of it?

Dylan's first bike.

Mom and Dad will take a picture of anything!

Captain One-Eyed-Peg-Legged Dylan!

Waiting for Dad to get home from work...

Cowboy Dylan... 4 years old in his sixth pair of cowboy boots!

Whit Bug, Punky, and the Pickle!

Livie and Dill...

Look at those cheeks....

If I had a hammer....

The Buzz Light Year/ Woody years!

Taking a nap during the return of our Desert Storm heroes...

Now I lay me down to sleep...

All grown up!

Happy 18th Birthday Dylan!
Please leave a Birthday message for Dylan in the comments section of this post...
Thanks for sharing this journey in time with us...