Staring contest...
Jammin' on stage at the USO!
Another "chub in the tub" shot...
Brand new!
Lyndsey and Whitney getting used to the new addition...
Dylan, Olivia and the Loch Ness Monstor...
Sharp dressed man...
Dad and the Birthday Boy....
Mom and the Birthday Boy...
Super-size that please....
Mom and the brand new baby... less than 24 hours old.
Another incriminating photo...
Dylan's first Christmas... only 4 days old.
Taking a nap with "Bobbie"... Dylan's blanky.
Taking it easy!
Dylan on his 6th Birthday.
Dill Pickle and Mom...
With Dad...
Spaghetti face...
Oh my...
Does this mean the Birthday Boy is full of it?
Dylan's first bike.
Dylan's first bike.
Mom and Dad will take a picture of anything!
Captain One-Eyed-Peg-Legged Dylan!
Waiting for Dad to get home from work...
Captain One-Eyed-Peg-Legged Dylan!
Waiting for Dad to get home from work...
Cowboy Dylan... 4 years old in his sixth pair of cowboy boots!
gosh dylan you were soooo cute!
i just can't believe you're eighteen already!
happy birthday!
i love you!
I hope you have a happy birthday. I love you so very much. Happy eighteenth birthday.
Your sister Olivia,xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Happy 18th B-Day! This very day eighteen years ago we were sitting in the Pizza Hut in New Bern when your mom went into labor... I didn't get to have my high speed car drive to New Bern like I planned. We just hung around New Bern for awhile... met the midwife at the hospital... and after much effort from you, the doctor, and your mom... you were born and we got a GREAT Christmas present. The nurse brought you to us in a red Christmas stocking!
Have a GREAT day!
Love, Dad
Happy Birthday Dylan!! I'd like to thank you again for helping me move Whitney from Jax to Wilmington. Dylan, here is something I have said to each of my children, 'it's your life, make of it what you wish. You can make it a fulfilling and happy experience, or you can make it a miserable experience, it is totally up to you!! Only you can make yourself happy, it is no one else's responsibility!!' I do hope life is going well for you. Whether you realize it or not, you have been truly blessed by two parents that really do love you!! Take care, keep rockin!!
I can not believe you are already 18!!!!!! You sure have changed over the years! We love you soooo much!!!! Life will have its ups and downs but keep your head held high and your spirit bright!
Love Matthew, Lyndsey, and kids
happy belated birthday dylan. we miss you here at enon. i will be gone after the first of the year but know that i love you man and i pray for you daily.
pastor george
Dear Dylan,
I will always love you half.
Great photos! Dylan you have grown up to be a fine man! Keep playing that guitar, you past me up a long time ago! Always remember to keep your heart and mind in the right place. We all love you! Uncle Mike,
Aunt Fonda, and the girls.
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