Friday, January 16, 2009

Arctic Blast.... BBBRRRRRRRR!

The United States has been hit hard this winter and finally the Arctic Blast (as it has been dubbed by our local TV forecasters) has hit Southeastern NC. Every morning I cut on my computer to look at local news, check emails, and see what's up with the weather. In fact, my opening page shows the temps for Jacksonville NC, Fleetwood NC (where our family mountain lodge is), and Oakland MD (where my wife is from)... this morning the temps read... Jacksonville @ 18 degrees, Fleetwood @ 0 degrees, and Oakland @ -9 degrees... BRRRRRRRRRR! I realize there are people throughout this great country who are laughing at my 18 degrees... the tables are turned in the summer when we get the 100+ temps and it doesn't bother us.
Here are a few "Arctic Blast" paintings I did last year. The scenes are set in the Blue Ridge Mountains near Boone, NC.
Click on paintings to enlarge...

"Snowy Barn"... 6x8" Oil on Panel, alla prima, 2008.

"Snowy Path in the Blue Ridge"... 6x8" Oil on panel, alla prima, 2008.

"Winter's Rush"... 6x8" Oil on Panel, alla prima, 2008.
Stay warm... thanks for dropping by... feel free to leave a comment and let me know what the temperature is in your area.

PS... I have included Olivia's (my Lil' painting buddy) painting that she brought home from school today...

"Blizzard Snowman and Dog"... 9x12" Watercolor and Crayon by Olivia Rosage, age 7, 1-2009.

1 comment:

Miguel Ortega said...

WoW! I love your winter alla prima paintings. I just started painting alla prima this last fall for school and I loved it and well I am glad I googled naples yellow and for some reason your old blog caught my attention and I am glad it did. Hope to be witness to more great paintings.