Thursday, July 3, 2008

Bloggin for Third Day on the 3rd day...

Mark Lee, guitarist for the Christian Rock Band Third Day, has issued a challenge to all Third Day bloggin fans out there... to blog about Third Day on the the 3rd of each month.

I'm up to the challenge... So here goes...

Most of my friends know I'm a Third Day fan... heck... you're listening to them as you read this. Their new CD, Revelation, will be rel;eased on July 29th. Click on the icon in my side bar to pre-order.

My wife, two daughters, son-in-law, and I had a great time at a Third Day concert in March in Myrtle Beach, SC. A cool story came from the event... this painting was the result... read all about it here... My Tribute to Christian Rock Band..."Third Day"

I'd love to hear your comments... see you on the third of August!


PS... Mark, did you ever recieve your painting?


Anonymous said...

That is a cool painting! Thanks for sharing your memories! I was at the first Orlando HOB show after Brad's departure. I think I will make that my August 3rd blog. That was a rough two days and not one of my favorite Third Day moments.

Anonymous said...

that is a wonderful painting! And such a cool way of perserving your memories...I enjoyed your tribute post too :o)


Bernie Rosage Jr. said...

Thanks so much for taking the time to drop a line I really appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

I like the painting, even though I have no idea about the group you are talking of. However, there is something wrong with the lighting - specifically the nail's. There may have been two light sources, or whatever, but somehow its shadow feels wrong, going up when it ought to be going down. Just my two bits :)

Bernie Rosage Jr. said...

Sonya... thanks for dropping by. There was one light source and it was actually coming directly from the side... just a tad under the nail thus casting these wild shadows. Just in case you'd like to see the actual set-up... check out my "Meet the artist" link... my wife snapped a photo of me painting this one. Thanks for your input.