Thursday, October 23, 2008

25 years ago today... History inspires artwork...

Events in history are often inspiration for my paintings... but when history hits on a personal level sometimes I find myself captivated to paint a scene for reasons beyond mere aesthetics or nostalgia.

Such a historical event happened to our small community 25 years ago today. It was the first day that the war on terrorism began with the largest non-nuclear explosion since World War II... the Beirut bombing.
In the early morning of October 23, 1983, the First Battalion, 8th Marines Headquarters building was destroyed by a non-Lebanese, terrorist-driven truck, laden with compressed gas-enhanced explosives. This truck, like many others, had become a familiar sight at the airport and so did not raise any alarm on this morning. The resulting explosion and the collapse of the building killed 241 Marines, Sailors, and Soldiers.

Many of the victims of this atrocity were residents of Jacksonville, North Carolina. They were known as fathers, neighbors, fellow church members, and little league baseball and soccer coaches. The community was stunned over the loss of these fine men and donations began to flow to their memory. This became the "birth" of the Beirut Memorial where their names are engraved along side "They Came In Peace"...

This tragic event reminds us of how fragile life is, how costly freedom is, and how much our community appreciates the military! On a personal level I have included a couple paintings inspired by this day in history...

"They Came In Peace"... 24"x24" Oil on Textured Stretched Canvas, 2005.

"A Tribute to Gold Star Moms" ... 10x8" Oil on Linen, en plein aire, April 2008.
Read the story behind this painting HERE...
(click on image to enlarge)

Here is the painting my daughter Olivia (six years old at the time) did the same day...
"Honoring Marines"... 10x8" Acyclic on canvas

Here are some recent articles in our local newspaper... The Daily News... highlighting the event, memorial, and anniversary.

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Soccer Princess strikes again!

Yesterday found our Soccer Princess dressed and ready for another big game. Nonnie got to go this time... had to see the Princess in action after my last write up.... Anything can happen when Princess' play soccer...

If the score was kept The Princess' team was down at least 15 to zip at the half... I thought I would encourage the Princess by saying, "BoBanna... if you score a goal Old Dad and you will go get an ice cream cone on Wednesday". This must have been the motivation she needed... she scored... but... in the other team's goal. Didn't matter in the least to her... she looks at me and gives the thumbs up and mentions ICE CREAM! Doesn't matter to me in the least either... this Wednesday is officially Ice Cream Day for Old Dad and the Soccer Princess!

Click on this magazine cover to enlarge and see the Princess in action...

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Some people come into our lives and leave footprints that last forever...

“Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.”

Today... for a couple reasons... I am ever mindful of this quote that rings so true.

#1... Today is Kristi's birthday and she would have been 41. I can remember the day she was born... I remember dad loading all the frilly dresses in the car at the hospital when we took her home... I can even remember the space we were parked in... not to bad for a six year old at the time. I miss her dearly...

#2... Today is the Memorial Service for a dear old friend who recently lost a three year battle with cancer... Jaye Ross... "Birdie" to family and friends. Birdie and her husband, Kenny, were those type people who (although we only knew for a short period of time) left lasting footprints on our (Tami and me) souls. Jaye gave Tami her first job when I moved her here from the Maryland mountains after we got married. Kenny was instrumental in getting our photography business off the ground when we started it 20 years ago. Dylan's first word was "Bobbie", the name of their daughter... he even named his security blanket "Bobbie". Austin, Kenny and Jaye's son, went to school with our oldest daughter Lyndsey. Kenny's mom, "Gram" babysat Dylan for us... their family was intertwined with ours until a new job took them from our area around 1995ish and we simply fell out of touch. Busy lives I guess. The next time we would see them was the day before Olivia was born when they came into town for the funeral of friend who was dear to both our families. I never in a million years dreamt that that would be the last time I would see Birdie. She was the picture of perfect health and natural beauty. As in the case with Kristi... you never know what a day will bring and I got an email from Kenny... "Is that you Bern?". Excited to hear from an old friend I was not prepared for the info he was about to share... "Birdie is in the last stages of cancer"... our hearts sank. Within a week we got the message from Kenny that Birdie passed. When I think of Birdie I think of a person that thoroughly enjoyed life, her family, and her friends. I think a piece of everyone she knew left with her. Tami and I are so proud of her fight and especially of Kenny who stood by her every moment. We're just as proud of Austin and Bobbie and are sorry that we could not be in South Carolina today to tell them in person. Please let this blog post serve as a tribute to Birdie and the whole family... God bless you all and may you find comfort in all the great memories that never erode... that's what Tami and I have... great memories of Birdie and her whole family.

We love you...

Friday, October 3, 2008

You just don't see this kinda stuff everyday!... Bloggin' for Third Day on the 3rd Day!

Browsing through my digital photo album I realized there are a few images that fall into the catagory... "You just don't see this kinda stuff everyday"... thought I'd share them to brighten your day...
One SMART puppy in Galway City...

I define this as "sticking out like a sore thumb"...

June 17, 2008. at 10:33 PM (you can zoom in on the clock to verify)... Daylight in Dublin!

Break on through to the other side...

A street artist who works totally with spray paints...

....and for his grand finale... he drys his paintings with FIRE!
Gomer writing Dad and Livie a ticket while Barney looks on... GAAAW LEEE!
Cinderella's Coach in downtown New Bern.

Bernie's getting taller... NOT!

Thank goodness we aren't seeing this yet... gas... $12.99 per liter in Dublin, Ireland.

Dylan with Mom (Tami) showing off her new full sleeve tattoos... bet ya'll didn't have a clue!

A four horned sheep???????????????????

I've heard of outdoor toilets but Warren's new house has a bathroom with a view... you might be a redneck if.....

To top it all it's not everyday you get to meet and have your photo taken with Third Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo-Hooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! A special thanks to Nigel and Mark for making it happen. I'll share my story about the concert in Raleigh on my next "Bloggin' for Third Day on the 3rd Day" post...
Thanks for dropping by... would love to hear your comments.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Plein Air painting with My Lil' Painting Buddy...

"The Winberry Barn"... 6x8" Oil on panel, alla prima en plein aire, 2008.
Click on image to see a larger view...

This old barn was a joy to paint for two reasons...

#1... It's sentimental value. I grew up just down the road from this old barn that belonged to my g-great uncle. My brother and I along with other kids who lived nearby spent many hours playing in and around it.

#2... I painted this one en plein aire with My lil' painting buddy, Olivia

Liv with her finished painting...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Are you out of your gourd?

Ask any southerner... "What are gourds best used for?"... nine out of ten will tell you... "birdhouses". Anywhere in the rural south... a family garden is usually lined with a row or two of gourd birdhouses. This scene is so reminiscent of my childhood... in fact this plein air outing was within walking distance of my house.

Hope you enjoy it...


"Gourd Birdhouses"... 8x10" Oil on Belgian Linen on panel, en plein aire, 2008. Click on image to enlarge...
